18/86: The Story of an Unlikely Friendship

1 · 18/86: Cold · 2:04

18/86: The Story of an Unlikely Friendship tells the Story of the friendship between the young and upcoming director Curtis Reid Henderson and his longtime friend Karl Bell, a former prisoner in Nazi concentration camp Buchenwald. Much of the plot revolves around Karl’s youth and the hardships he had to face during the Nazi regime.

In his detailed narrations he explains life as a prisoner and the tricks he had to implement to survive as a Jew, his emotional rescue by the Americans and the subsequent move to the US. Karl’s perspective on life is quite extraordinary and inspirational. All the things he had to overcome to become a happy person, completely at peace with himself, his history and his life.

Max I. Milian, Komponist, Arrangeur, Filmmusik München, Dokumentarfilm

Directed by Curtis Reid Henderson
Original Score by Axel Tenner and Max I. Milian

Die Verwandlung

"(...) Schrille Dissonanzen, mächtiges Synthesizer-Grollen, hämmernde Rhythmen im fast unerträglichen Staccato hatte Max I. Milian in seine kongeniale Bühnenmusik eingebaut. Sie verstärkt (...) und trägt das Ihre zur geballten Ladung Emotion bei, die die Zuschauer aufwühlt (...)"

"(...) begleitet von der eindringlichen Musik Max I. Milians hatte das Werk (...) Premiere vor ausverkauftem (Haus.)(...) Eine Parabel von beklemmender Aktualität und zeitloser Gültigkeit. (...)"